OUR PRODUCTS Product categoriesAdapters & Straps (5) Kits (3) Pegs (4) Plates (1) Showing 1–12 of 13 results Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Ezipeg Kit £58.00 EziFoot kit £55.00 Small Pegs £12.50 Medium Pegs £18.00 EZIPEG Large Pegs £12.50 EZIPEG Awning Adapter £6.00 EZIPEG Peg Clips £5.00 EZIPEG Pet Stake £9.50 EZIPEG Drill Adapter £6.00 Ezi Foot £9.90 EZIPEG Spare Bag £7.60 EZIPEG Hand Tool £4.00 1 2 → Product categoriesAdapters & Straps (5) Kits (3) Pegs (4) Plates (1)